#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#define INF 0x3F3F3F3F
#define MAXSIZE 1001
using namespace std;
int dis[MAXSIZE];
int path[MAXSIZE];
void dijkstra(int v, int start);
void pathout(int from, int to);
void graphin(int v, int e);
struct node
int front, weight;
node* next;
template<typename datatype>
struct fib_node
degree = 0;
parent = NULL;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
child = NULL;
mark = false;
int degree;
datatype key;
fib_node<datatype> *parent, *left, *right, *child;
bool mark;
template<typename datatype>
class fib_heap
ssize = 0; root = NULL;
void push(fib_node <datatype>*x)
x->mark = false;
if (ssize)
x->left = root;
x->right = root->right;
x->right->left = x;
root->right = x;
if (x->key<root->key)
root = x;
root = x;
x->right = x;
x->left = x;
void push(datatype k)
fib_node <datatype>*x = new(fib_node<datatype>);
x->key = k;
datatype top()
if (ssize)
return root->key;
throw string("in top(), the heap is empty");
void unio(fib_heap<datatype> *h)
if (h->ssize == 0) return;
if (this->ssize == 0)
root = h->root;
this->ssize = h->ssize;
fib_node <datatype>*tmp = this->root->right;
this->root->right = h->root->right;
tmp->left = h->root;
h->root->right = tmp;
this->root->right->left = this->root;
this->ssize += h->ssize;
h->root = NULL;
h->ssize = 0;
int size()
return ssize;
void pop()
if (!ssize)
throw string("in pop(), the heap is empty");
fib_node<datatype> *now = root->child;
while (now)
fib_node <datatype> *nex = now->right;
now->right = root->right;
now->left = root;
root->right = now;
now->right->left = now;
now->parent = NULL;
if (nex->parent == NULL) break;
now = nex;
if (ssize == 1)
root = NULL;
fib_node <datatype> *tmp = root;
root->left->right = root->right;
root->right->left = root->left;
root = root->right;
void decrease(fib_node<datatype> *x, datatype k)
if (x->key<k) throw(string("in decrease: the key of x is smaller than the new key!"));
x->key = k;
fib_node <datatype> *y = x->parent;
if (y != NULL&&x->key<y->key)
cut(x, y);
if (x->key<root->key)
root = x;
int ssize;
void conslidate()
int D = -1;
int tmp = ssize;
while (tmp)
tmp >>= 1;
fib_node <datatype>**deg = new(fib_node<datatype>*[D + 1]);
memset(deg, 0, sizeof(deg)*(D + 1));
fib_node <datatype> *theend = root->left;
fib_node <datatype> *now = root;
while (true)
int d = now->degree;
fib_node <datatype> *x = now;
fib_node <datatype> *nex = now->right;
while (deg[d])
fib_node <datatype> *y = deg[d];
if (y->key<x->key)
swap(x, y);
y->right->left = y->left;
y->left->right = y->right;
y->parent = x;
y->mark = false;
if (x->child == NULL)
x->child = y;
y->right = y;
y->left = y;
y->right = x->child->right;
y->left = x->child;
x->child->right = y;
y->right->left = y;
deg[d++] = NULL;
deg[d] = x;
if (now == theend) break;
now = nex;
root = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i <= D; i++)
if (deg[i])
if (root == NULL)
root = deg[i];
root->right = root;
root->left = root;
deg[i]->left = root;
deg[i]->right = root->right;
root->right = deg[i];
deg[i]->right->left = deg[i];
if (deg[i]->key<root->key)
root = deg[i];
void cut(fib_node<datatype> *x, fib_node<datatype> *y)
if (x->right == x)
y->child = NULL;
x->right->left = x->left;
x->left->right = x->right;
y->child = x->right;
x->mark = false;
x->right = root->right;
x->left = root;
root->right = x;
x->right->left = x;
x->parent = NULL;
void cascading(fib_node<datatype> *x)
fib_node <datatype> *y = x->parent;
if (y)
if (!x->mark)
x->mark = true;
cut(x, y);
fib_node <datatype> *root;
int main()
int start, v, e;
cout << "请输入图(节点编号从0开始):" << endl;
cin >> v >> e;
graphin(v, e);
cout << "请输入起点:" << endl;
cin >> start;
dijkstra(v, start);
for (int i = 0; i<v; i++)
if (i == start) continue;
if (dis[i] == INF) continue;
cout << "distance(" << start << "," << i << ") = " << dis[i]
<< " the path is: ";
pathout(start, i);
cout << endl;
return 0;
void graphin(int v, int e)
memset(graph, 0, sizeof(graph));
for (int i = 0; i<e; i++)
int from, to, w;
cin >> from >> to >> w;
node *tmp = graph[from].next;
node *nex = new(node);
graph[from].next = nex;
nex->front = to;
nex->weight = w;
nex->next = tmp;
struct point
point(int w_=0, int u_=0)
w = w_;
u = u_;
int w, u;
bool operator<(point a, point b)
return a.w < b.w;
fib_node <point> *pinheap[MAXSIZE];
void dijkstra(int v, int start)
//bool vis[v];
bool *vis = new(bool[v]);
fib_heap <point> unvis;
int sizeunvis = v;
memset(dis, 0x3F, sizeof(dis));
memset(path, 0xFF, sizeof(path));
memset(vis, 0x00, sizeof(vis)*v);
dis[start] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<v; i++)
pinheap[i] = new(fib_node<point>);
pinheap[i]->key = point(dis[i],i);
while (unvis.size()>0)
point heaptop = unvis.top();
int pmin = heaptop.u;
vis[pmin] = true;
for (node *p = graph[pmin].next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
int f = p->front;
int sum = dis[pmin] + p->weight;
if (dis[f]>sum)
dis[f] = sum;
path[f] = pmin;
if (!vis[f])
unvis.decrease(pinheap[f], point(dis[f],f));
void pathout(int from, int to)
if (from == to)
cout << from;
pathout(from, path[to]);
cout << "->" << to;